Activities & Events near Wellsboro, PA
One of the biggest perks of staying at the Sherwood Motel in Wellsboro, PA is our close proximity to a number of landmarks, outdoor activities, restaurants, and shopping options. Our location is a short walk to historic downtown Wellsboro and within driving distance to a number of metropolitan areas.
The list of activities and venues below has a bit of something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a day at a museum or want to get back in touch with nature, Grand Canyon Country has the events and activities to make your trip all the more memorable.
Places of Interest
Our area also offers a variety of seasonal events including:
For more information about upcoming events, please visit the Tioga County Visitors Bureau, and the Wellsboro Chamber of Commerce. For further questions about the items on this list, please give us a call at 570-724-3424 or fill out a contact form today. We will gladly answer any questions about the area and all it has to offer.